SocInfo 2010

27 - 29 October 2010, Laxenburg, Austria

Conference Program

Invited Speakers:

Karl Aberer is a Professor for Distributed Information Systems at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, and director of the Swiss National Centre for Mobile Information and Communication Systems (NCCR-MICS). His research interests are on decentralization and self-organization in information systems with applications in peer-to-peer search, overlay networks, trust management and mobile and sensor networks. Before joining EPFL in 2000 he was leading the research division of open adaptive information systems at the Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute (IPSI) of GMD in Germany, which he joined in 1992. There his work concentrated on XML data management and cross-organizational workflows. He studied mathematics at ETH Zürich where he also completed his Ph.D. in theoretical computer science in 1991. From 1991 to 1992 he was postdoctoral fellow at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at the University of California, Berkeley. He is member of the editorial boards of several journals, including ACM Transaction on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems and World Wide Web Journal and member of ICDE steering committee. Recently he served as PC co-chair of ICDE 2005, MDM 2006, ISWC 2007 and P2P 2009. He is also consulting for the Swiss government in research and science policy as a member of the Swiss Research and Technology Council (SWTR).

Professor Katsumi Tanaka received the BS, MS and PhD degrees in Information Science from Kyoto University, in 1974, 1976 and 1981, respectively. In 1986, he joined the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, faculty of Engineering at Kobe University, as an associate professor. In 1994, he became a full professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University. Since 2001, he has been a professor of the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. Currently, he is a vice-dean of the school.
His research interests include database theory and systems, Web information retrieval, and multimedia retrieval. He is a leading expert in database systems, multimedia retrieval, and Web information retrieval. He has more than 270 international-journal and major-conference papers published, including papers that have appeared in VLDB,IEEE ICDE, WWW, ACM Multimedia,ACM TODS,ACM CIKM and IEEE TKDE.
He has also been project leaders of many leading national research projects in Japan, such as Kyoto University Global COE program and NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) research project on the fusion of Web and broadcasting content. Recently, he is engaged in the research on knowledge extraction from the Web and Web information credibility.
Dr. Tanaka is a member of the ACM, IEEE, the Database Society of Japan (DBSJ) and the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ). He is currently a vice president of DBSJ and the fellow of IPSJ.

Radosław Nielek holds a B.Sc. degree in Management and Production Engineering from Technical University in Szczecin, completed a postgraduate course in psychology at Warsaw University, and obtained M.Sc. degree in computer science (M.Sc. thesis: “Multi-agent systems in social simulation. Simulation of diseases spreading.”) from Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJIIT). Research assistant and PhD candidate at PJIIT.
Radosław Nielek is a cofounder of Zetema Sp. z o.o. – start-up delivering sophisticated NLP solution for extracting emotion from text. He is interested in social informatics, social effects in information systems and social simulation. Contact info: nielek at

Keynote Speakers:

„Catch me, if you can: The long path from reputation to trust” Karl Aberer, EPFL

Trust has become a central issue in today’s online world, where interactions are performed frequently with complete strangers. Reputation-based trust has been proposed and is being used as a solution to deal with this problem. However these systems suffer from different vulnerabilities, such as ballot stuffing, strategic behaviors or whitewashing and at the same time have to exhibit efficient performance at a Web scale. In this talk we give an overview of the development of reputation-based trust management systems, from the early days with often somewhat naïve assumptions to more sophisticated approaches designed to counter many possible attacks with limited resources. We will identify whitewashing as a particular critical problem and give an outlook of how this problem might be addressed in the context of the social and semantic Web.

Web Information Credibility - Search and Analysis” Katsumi Tanaka, Kyoto University

Research aimed at evaluating the credibility of Web content has recently become increasingly crucial because the Web has started to influence our daily lives. The abundance of content on the Web, the lack of publishing barriers, and poor quality control of Web content raise credibility issues. If users are not aware of the credibility of Web information, they can be easily misled, and sometimes it is dangerous to users.
For example, some researchers reported that there are more than twenty thousand health-related sites on the Web, but more than half of such sites have not been reviewed by medical specialists. Wikipedia has been more popular on the Web, but the risks of Wikipedia are also indicated from the viewpoint of credibility. There are a lot of exaggerated ads and fake images and movies. The importance of the image forensic research also becomes important.
Many dimensions concerned with the information credibility are grouped into two key components: expertise and trustworthiness. Expertise is a factor about the writer’s ability to produce correct or fair information and the degree to which the reader can perceive knowledge and skill from the information. The expertise factor is defined by the terms knowledgeable, experienced, competent, and so on. The trustworthiness is a factor about readers’ perceptions that the information is true as they know it, and it is the degree to which readers can perceive the goodness or morality of the target information. The trustworthiness factor is defined by the terms well-intentioned, unbiased, reputable, and so on. In the areas of Web search and mining, however, most of conventional researches have focused on ranking search results based on popularity by analyzing link structures or on mining useful rules from the Web. They have not focused on the analysis of the credibility of target information.
Consequently, few users perform rigorous evaluations of the credibility of obtained information. Therefore, the exploration of a general framework and automatic tools for supporting users in the judgment of web content credibility are becoming increasingly necessary.
In this talk, we describe a new framework and search/analysis methods for evaluating the Web information credibility. These include: a bipartite-graph framework for evaluating the credibility of relations and the diversity of evidence information, and several methods for analyzing Web information credibility from the viewpoint of (1) content analysis, (2) social support analysis and (3) author analysis.


„Rapid hypothesis verification with use of social simulation approach and Repast Simphony framework” Radosław Nielek, PJWSTK

The aim of this tutorial is to present a tool which can be used to verify a broad variety of social science hypothesis. The latest version of Repast Simphony (multi-agents framework) is very robust, easy to use, and can be applied to many different problems ranging from taxes, language evolution and information dissemination to public security. During the tutorial we will go thru a four steps approach (from creating model to validating hypothesis). Special attention will be paid to the trade-off between completeness and complexity and applicability of the model. Basic knowledge of Groovy/Java is recommended.

„Practical Trust Management With the uTrust library” Tomasz Kaszuba, PJWSTK


Day 1 (October 27th)
08:30 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
09:10 AM – Registration & Opening
9:30 AM-10:30 AM – Keynote 1 – Catch me, if you can: The long path from reputation to trust - Prof. Karl Aberer
10:30 AM-11.00 AM – Coffee break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – Session 1: Privacy and Trust
1. Exponential Ranking: taking into account negative links - Vincent Traag, Yurii Nesterov and Paul Van Dooren
2. Achieving Optimal Privacy in Trust-Aware Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems - Nima Dokoohaki, Cihan Kaleli, Huseyin Polat and Mihhail Matskin
3. Toward a Behavioral Approach to Privacy for Online Social Networks - Lerone Banks and S. Felix Wu
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM – Lunch break
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Session 2: Social Aspects of Virtual Collaboration
1. Social Email: A Framework and Application for More Socially-Aware Communications - Thomas Tran, Jeff Rowe and Shytsun Wu
2. SocialWiki: Bring Order to Wiki Systems with Social Context - Haifeng Zhao, Shaozhi Ye, Prantik Bhattacharyya and Shyhtsun Felix Wu
3. Trust-based peer assessment for virtual learning systems - Milorad Tosic and Valentina Nejkovic
3:30 PM-4.00 PM – Coffee break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM – Tutorial 1: Practical Trust Management With the uTrust library
5:45 PM – Bus to Heuriger Dinner
6:30 PM – Conference Dinner

Day 2
08:45 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
9:30 AM-10:30 AM – Keynote 2 – Web Information Credibility - Search and Analysis - Prof. Katsumi Tanaka
10:30 AM-11.00 AM – Coffee break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – Session 3: Social Networks: Theory and Analysis
1. Label-dependent Feature Extraction in Social Networks for Node Classification - Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Przemysław Kazienko and Piotr Doskocz
2. Node degree distribution in affiliation graphs for social network density modeling - Szymon Chojnacki, Mieczyslaw Klopotek and Krzysztof Ciesielski
3. Measuring Message Propagation and Social Influence on - Shaozhi Ye and Felix Wu
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM – Lunch break
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Session 4: Social Recommendations and Social Network in Practice
1. First-Use Analysis of Communication in a Social Network - Satoko Itaya, Naoki Yoshinaga, Peter Davis, Rie Tanaka, Taku Konishi, Shinich Doi and Keiji Yamada
2. Social Manipulation of Online Recommender Systems - Juan Lang, Matt Spear and S. Felix Wu
3. Recommendation Boosted Query Propagation in the Social Network - Grzegorz Kukla, Przemysław Kazienko, Piotr Bródka and Tomasz Filipowski
3:30 PM-4.00 PM – Coffee break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM – Tutorial 2: Rapid Hypothesis Verification With the Repast Symphony Framework
5:45 PM – Bus to Prinz Eugen Hotel

Day 3
08:45 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
9:30 AM-10:30 AM – Session 5: Fairness Management
1. Computing α-efficient cost allocations for unbalanced games - Mariusz Kaleta
2. Bicriteria Models for Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation - Wlodzimierz Ogryczak
10:30 AM-11.00 AM – Coffee break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – Session 6: Team Recommendation
1. Case-Based Team Recommendation - Yonata Andrelo Asikin, Michele Brocco and Wolfgang Woerndl
2. A Meta Model for Team Recommendations - Michele Brocco, Georg Groh and Florian Forster
3. Dynamic Context-Sensitive PageRank for Expertise Mining - Daniel Schall and Schahram Dustdar
12.30 PM – Closing
12.45 PM – Lunch
2:00 PM – Buses to Prinz Eugen Hotel and Vienna Int’l Airport

05 Feb, 2010 | admin |