SocInfo 2010

27 - 29 October 2010, Laxenburg, Austria


The hotel Prinz Eugen in Vienna is the conference hotel. A bus will be arranged for the conference participants to commute to the conference venue in Laxenburg, and to return to Vienna. This bus will depart at the hotel Prinz Eugen and arrive at IIASA:

Day 1 (October 27th)
08:30 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
5:45 PM – Bus to Heuriger Dinner

Day 2
08:45 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
5:45 PM – Bus to Prinz Eugen Hotel

Day 3
08:45 AM – Bus from Prinz Eugen Hotel to IIASA
2:00 PM – Buses to Prinz Eugen Hotel and Vienna Int’l Airport

Public transport:
The participants who missed the bus or prefer to commute on their own may want to check the following information:


The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA is a non-governmental, non-profit research organization sponsored by National Member Organizations in North America, Europe and Asia. The Institute is situated in the small town of Laxenburg, about 15 km south of Austria's capital city, Vienna. For more details...

Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria

Tel.: (+43-2236)-807.0 (Switchboard)
Tel.: (+43-2236)-807.589 (Conference Services)
Fax : (+43-2236)-71.313

More information about Vienna and Austria

You may want to check the following URL's for more information: