Spis publikacji pracowników katedry sieci komputerowych PJWSTK
Posted by: kaszubat
- Kakol, M., R. Nielek, and A. Wierzbicki, Modeling Impact of Social Stratification on the Basis of Time Allocation Heuristics in Society, in Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, W. Kennedy, N. Agarwal, and S. Yang, Editors. 2014, Springer International Publishing. p. 285-292
- Adam Wierzbicki, Tomasz Kaszuba, Radoslaw Nielek, Paulina Adamska, Anwitaman Datta: Improving computational trust representation based on Internet auction traces. Decision Support Systems 54(2): 929-940 (2013)
- Wierzbicki, A., et al., Improving computational trust representation based on Internet auction traces. Decis. Support Syst., 2013. 54(2): p. 929-940
- Nielek, R., A. Wawer, and A. Wierzbicki, Collaborative Problem Solving in Emergency Situations: Lessons Learned from a Rescue Mission, in Advanced Methods for Computational Collective Intelligence. 2013, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 47-58
- Nielek, R., et al., Temporal, Cultural and Thematic Aspects of Web Credibility, in Social Informatics. 2013, Springer International Publishing. p. 419-428
- Nielek, R., et al., Forecasting Online Advertising Campaigns in the Wild, in Co-created Effective, Agile, and Trusted eServices. 2013, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 1-14
- Nielek, R., et al. Surprising Consequences of Simple Privacy Protection Method. in IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 2013 International Conference on. 2013. IEEE
- Liu, X., et al., Defending imitating attacks in web credibility evaluation systems, in Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion. 2013, International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. p. 1115-1122
- T.G. Papaioannou, K. Abramczuk, P. Adamska, A. Wierzbicki and K. Aberer Game-theoretic Models of Web Credibility, Proc. of the 2012 Joint WICOW/AIRWeb Workshop on Web Quality (WebQuality '12), 2012
- Wierzbicki, A. and R. Nielek, Fairness Emergence in Reputation Systems. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2011. 14(1): p. 3
- Turek, P., et al., WikiTeams: How Do They Achieve Success? Potentials, IEEE, 2011. 30(5): p. 15-20
- Turek, P., et al., WikiTeams: How Do They Achieve Success? Potentials, IEEE, 2011. 30(5): p. 15-20
- Wierzbicki, A., P. Turek, and R. Nielek, Learning about team collaboration from Wikipedia edit history, in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration. 2010, ACM: Gdansk, Poland. p. 1-2
- Turek, P., et al. Learning about the quality of teamwork from wikiteams. in Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on. 2010. IEEE
- Turek, P., A. Wierzbicki, and R. Nielek, WikiTeams: Evaluating Teamwork in Wikipedia. 2010
- Nielek, R. and A. Wierzbicki, Emotion aware mobile application, in Proceedings of the Second international conference on Computational collective intelligence: technologies and applications - Volume Part II. 2010, Springer-Verlag: Kaohsiung, Taiwan. p. 122-131
- Nielek, R., A. Wawer, and A. Wierzbicki, Spiral of hatred: social effects in Internet auctions. Between informativity and emotion. 2010. 10(3-4): p. 313-330
- Liu, X., et al. Using stereotypes to identify risky transactions in internet auctions. in Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on. 2010. IEEE
- Kaszuba, T., et al., Prototrust: An environment for improved trust management in internet auctions, in Advances in Databases and Information Systems. 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 137-144
- Paulina Adamska, Adam Wierzbicki, Tomasz Kaszuba: A Generic and Overlay-Agnostic Publish-Subscribe Protocol. AP2PS 2009: 98-103
- Wierzbicki, A., et al., Trust and Fairness Management in P2P and Grid systems. Handbook of Research on P2p and Grid Systems for Service-oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, 2009. 1: p. 61520-686
- Wawer, A., R. Nielek, and R. Kotowski, Patterns in Time: Modelling Schedules in Social Networks, in Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Social Informatics. 2009, IEEE Computer Society. p. 80-85
- Doniec, A., A. Hupa, and R. Nielek, Web of Friends- Discovering a Social Network by Mining Data from Instant Messengers, in Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Social Informatics. 2009, IEEE Computer Society. p. 16-22
- Aleksander, W. and N. Radoslaw, Application of Automated Sentiment Extraction from Text to Modeling of Public Opinion Dynamics. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2009. 18(3B): p. 282-285
- Nielek R., Wawer A., Kotowski R., Two Antigenically Indistingushable Viruses in a Population, Lecture Notes In Engineering and Computer Science, World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2008 Proceedings), Volume III, pp. 1858 1863, ISBN: 978-988-17012-4-4,
- Wawer A., Nielek R., Application of Automated Sentiment Extraction from Text to Modeling of Public Opinion Dynamics in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (ISSN 1230-1485), Vol. 17, No. 3B, 2008, pp. 508 513,
- Wierzbicki A., Nielek R.: Fairness Emergence through Simple Reputation, TrustBus 2008: 79-89
- Pascal Bouvry, Gilbert Klein, Franciszek Seredynski: Weak Key Analysis and Micro-controller Implementation of CA Stream Ciphers KES (4) 2005: 910-915
- K. Rzadca and F. Seredyński: Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Scheduling with Differential Evolution in Proceedings of IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation, Edinburgh, 02-05.09.2005
- Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry: Some Issues in Solving the Anomaly Detection Problem using Immunological Approach. IPDPS 2005
- A. Wierzbicki, K. Goworek: Peer-to-peer Direct Sales, Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P2005, Konstanz, Germany, pp. 106-113, 2005
- A. Wierzbicki, T. Kucharski: Fair and Scalable P2P Games of Turns, Eleventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05), Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 250-256, 2005
- A. Wierzbicki, A. Zwierko, Z. Kotulski: A New Authentication Protocol for Revocable Anonymity in Ad-Hoc Networks, Communication, Network, and Infomation Security (CNIS'2005), Phoenix, USA, pp. 30-35, 2005
- A. Wierzbicki, A. Zwierko, Z. Kotulski: Authentication with controlled anonymity in P2P systems, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'05), Dalian, China, 2005
- G. Wojtyła, K. Rzadca, F. Seredynskim: Artificial Immune Systems Applied to Multiprocessor Scheduling, presented on PPAM 2005 (Sixth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics), Poznań, 12-16.09.2005
- Grégoire Danoy, Pascal Bouvry, Franciszek Seredynski: Agent-Based Optimization of Business Functions Using Coevolutionary Algorithms, IKE 2004: 109-112
- M. M. Kostreva, W. Ogryczak, A. Wierzbicki: Equitable Aggregations and Multiple Criteria Analysis, European Journal of Operations Research 158 (2004), pp. 362-377, 2004
- W. Ogryczak, A. Wierzbicki: On Multicriteria Approaches to Bandwidth Allocation, Control and Cybernetics, vol. 33, 2004, 427-448
- K. Rzadca, Evaluating the Quality of Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithms, in In ICCVG 2004 Proceedings, pp. 981-986 (in print)
- Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry, Albert Y. Zomaya: Cellular automata computations and secret key cryptography, Parallel Computing 30(5-6): 753-766 (2004)
- Aleksander Wawer, Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry: Evolutionary Algorithms for Conformational Analysis: Vitamine E Case Study, IPDPS 2004
- Aleksander Wawer, Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry: Application of evolutionary computing to conformational analysis, Intelligent Information Systems 2004: 161-168
- A. Wierzbicki, N. Leibovitz, M. Ripeanu, R. Woniak: Cache Replacement Policies For P2P File Sharing Protocols, European Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on Peer-to-Peer systems, listopad 2004, (15:6), 559-569
- A. Wierzbicki, N. Leibowitz, M. Ripeanu, R. Wozniak: Cache Replacement Policies Revisited: The Case of P2P Traffic, proc. IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing, April 2004, Chicago, USA IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2004 (CCGrid 2004), 19-22 April 2004 Pages:182 - 189
- A. Wierzbicki, T. Kucharski: P2PScrabble: Can P2P Games Commence?, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P2004, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004, , pp. 100-107
- A. Wierzbicki, K. Kalinowski: E-learning methods for teaching of movement, International Workshop on Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence, Warsaw, Poland, 2004
- Pascal Bouvry, Franciszek Seredynski, Albert Y. Zomaya: Application of Cellular Automata for Cryptography, PPAM 2003: 447-454
- Nathaniel Leibowitz, Matei Ripeanu, Adam Wierzbicki: Deconstructing the Kazaa Network, proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications (WIAPP `03), June 2003
- W. Ogryczak, T. liwiński, A. Wierzbicki: Fair Resource Allocation Schemes and Network Dimensioning Problems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, no. 3, pp34-42, 2003
- K. Rzadca and F.J. Ferri: Incrementally Assessing Cluster Tendencies, in "Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis" pp. 868-875, LNCS 2653, Springer-Verlag
- Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry, Albert Y. Zomaya: Cellular Programming and Symmetric Key Cryptography Systems, GECCO 2003: 1369-1381
- Franciszek Seredynski, Albert Y. Zomaya, Pascal Bouvry: Function Optimization with Coevolutionary Algorithms, IIS 2003: 13-22
- Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry, Albert Y. Zomaya: Secret Key Cryptography with Cellular Automata, IPDPS 2003: 149
- Adam Wierzbicki, Lars Burgstahler: Application-oriented Evaluation of Measurement Estimation, Proceedings of Workshop on Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS 2698), Springer, 2003
- Adam Wierzbicki, Robert Strzelecki, Marcin Buszka: Application Layer Multicast For Efficient Peer-to-Peer Applications, proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications (WIAPP `03), June 2003
- Albert Y. Zomaya, Aidan Smith, Franciszek Seredynski: The use of the simulated annealing algorithm for channel allocation in mobile computing, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(2): 239-253 (2003)
- F. Seredyński, A. Y. Zomaya: Sequential and Parallel Cellular Automata - based Scheduling Algorithms, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 13, No. 10, October 2002, pp. 1009-1023
- F. Seredyński, A. Swięcicka: Immune-like System Approach to Cellular Automata - based Scheduling, in R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, M. Paprzycki, J. Wasniewski(Eds.), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Proc. of the 4th International Conference, PPAM 2001, Naleczw, Poland, September 9-12, 2001, Revised Papers, Springer, LNCS 2328, pp. 626-633
- A. Swięcicka, F. Seredyński: Applying Cellular Automata in Multiprocessor Scheduling, in International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering: PARELEC 2002, 2002 IEEE, pp. 177-182
- A. Swięcicka, F. Seredyński: On Multiprocessor Scheduling with Cellular Automata, in M.A.Kłopotek, S.T.Wierzchon, M.Michalewicz(Eds.), Intelligent Information Systems 2002, Physica-Verlag, pp. 371-380
- A. Wierzbicki, R. Strzelecki, D. Owierczewski, M. Znojek: Rhubarb: a Tool for Developing Scalable and Secure Peer-to-Peer Applications, Proc. of Second Internat. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Sept. 5-7, 2002, Linkoping, Sweden, 2002 IEEE, pp. 144-151
- Adam Wierzbicki: Multicriteria models for the placement of Internet caches, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Winter Conference, February 2002
- Adam Wierzbicki: Internet cache location and design of content delivery networks, International Workshop of Web Engineering, Networking'2002, Pisa, 2002, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer
- Adam Wierzbicki: Models for Internet cache location, 7th International Web Caching Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2002
- Adam Wierzbicki, Robert Strzelecki, Daniel wierczewski, Mariusz Znojek: Rhubarb: a Tool for Developing Scalable and Secure Peer-to-Peer Applications, Second IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P2002, Linköping, Sweden, 2002
- Adam Wierzbicki, Józef Lubacz: Towards a Decision Support System for Internet Cache Location, Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, Gdańsk, Poland, 2002
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